FS836 Shell / FS836A Insert Series: Designed for remote locations. This series is a proven design with 40+ years of development and improvements, it resists the most interested vandal. These safes feature dual accountability, allowing one person pick up of funds, with two person accountability. This series has estimated capacity of 50-80 filled envelopes.**

Note: Our dual accountability security locking system allows removal of Insert from Shell at the site with separately keyed access slide locks to be removed back at headquarters. A second Insert is installed as the other is removed.


(Left) FS836 Shell and Insert installed, Martin Brown finish. (Right) View of access port on rear of shell
Note: Shells are not mounted as recommended.

FS1236 Shell / FS1236A Insert Series: Identical design features as the FS836 series, but with greater capacity, estimated at 120 filled envelopes.**


(Left) FS1236 Shell and Insert (Right) FS1236 Shell and Insert with EB1 Mounted

Finish Options for the FS836 / FS1236 Series: Standard finish is Martin Brown powder coat or hot dip Galvanize. This color is shown for the FS81711 Series and the EB-1 Empty Envelope Box on the home page and the picture above. Other powder coat colors are available at an additional charge.

FS81711 Shell / FS81711A Insert Series: This series Fee Safe is lighter duty than the series described above. It is far more protective than it appears and offers built-in features, such as empty envelope storage and a protective writing surface, along with dual accountability and a powder coated finish. This series is not recommended for remote locations, as it can sustain damage from a vandal with serious tools.

 MTDC-931 Series: This unit meets U.S. Forest Service Specifications and is designed for unattended/remote locations. Received funds are trapped by a slide locking system that, when released, drops envelopes to an access port for collection.
This series does not have an insert, nor does it feature dual accountability: It is, however, a very rugged, powder coated unit that is more economical than the FS836 / FS1236 series. This safe is available in Martin Brown powder coat only.

MTDC-931 installed.

EB-1 Empty Envelope Box: This unit is built to be mounted directly to the FS836 / FS1236 Shells or to other objects such as posts or information boards. The standard size accommodates most Department of Interior Agency envelopes; (6 3/8 X 3 1/8, folded), with a capacity of approximately 400 envelopes. Mounting is internal and assembly is by riveting. Construction is of .080 aluminum, powder coated Martin Brown. Special size runs are available.

FS836/1236 Off-Season Covers: Covers are available for off-season to protect the inner workings of the shells and to avoid he shells being used as trash cans.


 (Left) FS836OS Cover installed (Right) Uninstalled

New product!

Access Hole Covers: Covers the access hole on the back of the shell to provide another layer of security and also helps keep insects from nesting in the lock area. Also available in stainless steel for high theft areas. Can be added to existing units in the field.

                             FS836 shell with cover plate removed (left) and installed (right)                                                      FS1236 shell with cover plate removed (left) and installed (right)

Blank Fee Envelopes: Folded size is 6 3/8 x 3 1/8, plus an adhesive tab, with perforated stub. Available in quantities of 500 per box. (White)

                       ** envelope capacity varies depending on the thickness of the funds in the envelopes deposited, anti-fishing prongs can be removed in low theft areas to increase capacity.

Contact Us:

Products of Iron Rangers LLC

Canadian customers please call 509-468-2255
Fax: 509-326-5436